Weekly Review: W2 2023

A short review about work and life for week 2 in 2023.


I shipped 5 releases out for Drafting.
  • 1.35
    • Fix first character is missing when loading certain draft
    • Fix crash when saving if target folder is deleted using other apps
  • 1.36
    • Open text file from other apps (File Manager) for editing. These buttons will be disabled when opening file from other apps: Pin, Move, Delete, Draft Info.
  • 1.37
    • Supports opening JSON file from other apps
    • Option Always show keyboard will now affect when launching the app or opening a file from other apps
  • 1.38
    • Change the default new draft interval to Always
    • Supports opening XML and other file types from other apps
    • Fix the incorrect summary of 'Always show keyboard' in Settings
  • 1.39
    • Fix bug when toggling indented Task List
    • Make the size of draft name in Editor and current folder name in File Manager bigger
There is a new Drafting user this week who provides a lot of great feedback.
One of the feedback is how the File Manager is very slow when opening certain folder.
This will be the only thing I’ll work on for the next release.
The first Drafting user published an honest, zero-fluff, and concise review about the app.
I’m super thankful to that person for helping me improves the app continuously since the beginning.
It is easier to keep doing the work if there are some people continuously using the app and providing feedback though there aren’t that many sales yet.
I also started working on Typing Hero this week.
I shipped 2 releases out to deliver tiny updates to address feedback and reports from users.
  • 5.1
    • Fix crash when importing Snippets from TextExpander for Mac
    • A bunch of under-the-hood updates that are not visible to the eyes
  • 5.2
    • Tiny under-the-hood improvement when replacing keyword with templates
Typing Hero will see some new features in the coming weeks.


I’m back in Jakarta for a short while to take care of a few things.
These are some interesting reads:
I found out about 1440. I subscribed because I was intrigued by these.
Facts. Without motives. In 1 daily news briefing.
Today's news. Edited to be unbiased as humanly possible.
I found out that Braille Institute developed a font named Atkinson Hyperlegible.
It focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability; perfect for low vision readers.
Though the font is available in Google Fonts, it cannot be used through Downloadable Fonts. I’m too lazy to find out why!

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